Tune the rainbow

Tune the rainbow

Get access to Pro version of “Tune The Rainbow On"! Click the button to download “Tune The Rainbow On” Guitar Pro tab DOWNLOAD Guitar Pro TAB. tune the rainbow [5:32] 作詞: 岩里祐穂 、作曲・編曲: 菅野よう子 松竹 配給アニメ映画『 ラーゼフォン 多元変奏曲 』主題歌 "Tune the Rainbow" is the twelfth single released by Sakamoto Maaya. It was sung on that album by Asami Imai and Chiaki Takahashi.

I will stay here, only for the sake of drying your flowing tears As beautiful as the rain letting up, your tears make your heart transparent.

Tune The Rainbow Guitar – Tsuneo Imahori Strings – Masatsugu Shinozaki Strings Synthesizer – Chikanari Gokan, Keishi Urata: 2: The Garden Of Everything Strings – Masatsugu Shinozaki Strings Synthesizer – Syunsuke Sakamoto* Vocals [Featuring] – Steve Conte: 3: Little Hemisphere Synthesizer – Syunsuke Sakamoto* Today as I look out from the top of a hill, Although the world should be washed over in love LYRIC. The song itself … I never heard such a upbeat, peaceful tune! tune the rainbow. 君が流す涙 拭うためだけに 僕はここにいるよKimi ga nagasu namida nuguu tame dake ni boku wa koko ni iru yoI will stay here, only for the sake of drying your flowing tears丘の上で見渡す世界はOka no ue de miwatasu sekai waToday as I look out from the top of a hill,守りたい ただあなただけを その笑顔輝く日々をMamoritai tada anata dake o sono egao kagayaku hibi oI just wanna protect you, I just wanna protect the days when your face shone, smiling

Today as I look out from the top of a hill,I just wanna protect you, I just wanna protectI swear everything, I would risk everything, I would Past softness, we’re both cowardsThe two of us, in love, may be separated in a strong I just wanna protect you, I just wanna protectI just wanna protect you, I just wanna protectA transient rainbow…Added byToday as I look out from the top of a hill,I just wanna protect you, I just wanna protectI swear everything, I would risk everything, I would Past softness, we’re both cowardsThe two of us, in love, may be separated in a strong I just wanna protect you, I just wanna protectI just wanna protect you, I just wanna protectA transient rainbow… Watch Queue Queue tune the rainbow is a cover song from THE IDOLM@STER RADIO COLORFUL MEMORIES. Tune The Rainbow, Rahxephon Movie . Ultimate Guitar Pro is a premium guitar tab service, available on PC, Mac, iOS and Android. Watch Queue Queue. Maaya Sakamoto. Tune The Rainbow. Rainbow Tune (The) Click on the tune title to see or modify Rainbow Tune (The)'s annotations. The title track was used as the ending theme to the anime movie RahXephon: Pluralitas Concentio .

たかはし智秋・今井麻美 - 2007年7月22日放送のラジオ大阪のラジオ番組『THE IDOLM@STER RADIO』のコーナーの1つ「歌姫楽園」でカバーされた。楽曲は2008年6月4日発売のアルバム『THE IDOLM@STER RADIO COLORFUL MEMORIES』に収録された。 脚注 Single Information Lyrics: Iwasato Yuuho (Track 1, 3), chris mosdell (Track 2), maaya sakamoto (Track 2), …

The single reached #9 on the Oricon charts and charted for 9 weeks, selling 38,842 copies. This video is unavailable. Lyrics If the link is red you can create them using the form provided.

And the chorus is definitely catchy!

Description: Rahxephon Movie "Tagen Hensoukyoku" Theme song Vocal: Sakamoto Maaya Print. 「初のオリコントップ10以内にランクインした作品であり、初回限定盤にはタイアップとなった映画『カップリング曲「ちいさなヘミソフィア」は9枚目のシングル曲である「累計出荷枚数は3.8万枚。

I'm growing more and more attached to this melody each time I listen to it. Track 1: Tune the Rainbow A beautiful single in my opinion! It was originally sung by Maaya Sakamoto, and was also the theme song to the movie RahXephon.

This was a delightful tune to hear. Lyrics to 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow' by Judy Garland: Somewhere over the rainbow way up high there's a land that i have heard of once in a lullaby somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true tune the rainbow is the 11th single by Sakamoto Maaya.

Browse Properties
Browse/:Rainbow Tune (The) Theme code Index 3H63H3H 1H541H Also known as Maggie's Pancakes Composer/Core Source … The lead track was used as the ending theme for the anime movie RahXephon: Pluralitas Concentio. Try for free.

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