This is Me 音域

This is Me 音域

This Is Me Lyrics: I am not a stranger to the dark / "Hideaway," they say / "'Cause we don't want your broken parts" / I've learned to be ashamed of all my scars / "Runaway," they say / "No one'll When the sharpest words wanna cut me down 當那些尖銳無比的話語將要擊倒我 I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out. This is real, this is me I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be now Gonna let the light shine on me Now I've found who I am There's no way to hold it in No more hiding who I wanna be, yeah (This is me) You're the missing piece I need The song inside of me 《This Is Me》是美国流行女歌手Keala Settle为电影《马戏之王》献唱的一首插曲,单曲于2017年12月22日通过华纳唱片公司发行。 Thanks to Bellatrix, Krisha for correcting these lyrics. The song obtained Golden Globe Award for the Best Original Song of 2017. After the film had been released, the song became the international hit reaching top positions in charts of the UK, Australia etc. The song inside of me I need to find you, I gotta find you. Keala Settle plays The Bearded Lady, Lettie Lutz, in the film. ※スマホの場合、横画面で見るとより多くの情報がご覧いただけます。※スマホの場合、横画面で見るとより多くの情報がご覧いただけます。※動画が未登録です。© 2020 我很勇敢,即便遍體麟傷 I am who I'm meant to be, this is me. misiaのthis is meの音域(最低音~最高音)、歌詞、テンポ(bpm)などの楽曲分析結果と、それらの結果を基にした10段階評価の歌唱難易度などを掲載しています。歌唱難易度や歌詞の内容が似ている曲も調べることができます。

我即將會召喚洪水,將那些話語淹沒 I am brave, I am bruised. I've always been the kind of girlThis is real, this is meDo you know what it's likeThis is real, this is meYou're the voice I hear inside my headThis is real, this is me Writer(s): Benj Pasek. This is me Submit Corrections.

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